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EcoLight and Fence in, Methane were projects created by members of the Global Design Mission in response to the posted briefs. The project was submitted to the Global Design Challenge as part of the Biomimicry Challenges. While the results were slightly disappointing, we are determined and better equipped to win the challenge now than in the previous years. We have learnt efficient management techniques and found dedicated, passionate individuals who are equipped to take the mantle and help us succeed next year.


While not ideal, we earned certificates of participation which can be viewed below!



Pulmomask was a project created by Global Design Mission in response to the posted Design Briefs. The project was submitted to the Global Design Challenge as part of the Biomimicry Challenges. While partaking in the competition was a first, we had high hopes which were shown the path of reality. We had been outclassed by projects and lacked some skills which we now know to prevent in the future. While an unexpected result, we are determined to perform even better next year building on the lessons from this year.


We did earn a certificate of participation which can be seen by clicking the button!

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